Friday, April 17, 2020

Every MSP Can Implement AI to Reach Business

Underrated: Chatbots and AI Implementation

Why aren’t more small businesses implementing emerging technology solutions? According to CompTIA’s latest artificial intelligence (AI) research, AI offers limitless possibilities and data collection opportunities, but many businesses find that gaps in skills and knowledge prevent them from adopting newer technology. What’s the solution for businesses that want to be on the cutting edge? Keep it simple: Save time and create a streamlined, tailored experience for clients with AI-powered chatbots. Maddy Martin of (pictured right) says that there’s no reason to wait for mainstream adoption of this easy solution. Read on to find out what she thinks about this underrated technology and how vast improvements in recent years have made it powerful tool for MSPs and other small businesses.
Why do you think the use of AI with chatbots and online chats is underrated?

Maddy Martin: Frankly, there’s an increasing preference for text-based communication—for clients and individuals. Most people and their clients are at their computers, typically in an office during business hours, and are constantly dealing with phone, text and email interruptions while trying to get work done. They want to win new clients, but interruptions kill their productivity. The solution is to streamline communication with tech-forward delegation and automation that works in real time.

Chatbots and using AI for your business can be a way to answer questions that are commonly asked without the interruption. Most MSPs are small businesses, so answering inbound calls or emails does interrupt the amount of work you're able to get done. What do you do with all these leads that are coming to your site if you have a call system that is staffed by you and your technician? The technician really should be focusing on technical work and assessments, and your time is better spent focusing on growing and optimizing business strategies instead of doing the all the communication necessary for capturing, qualifying and scheduling a lead.
More Info: what jobs can i get with a comptia a+ certification

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