First about the exam number: At the time we are writing this we have reasons to believe that 220-1002 will be the exam number that will be replacing 220-902. However, this is early enough that things could change in that respect. If so, we’ll update as needed. Update: The exam number is confirmed to be A+ 220-1002 but the exam now also has a name. It is A+ Core 2.
As an entry-level certification, A+ is rather a wider than a deep credential. It is to some extent stating the obvious to say that the Exam Objectives for A+ 220-1002 will aim at reflecting technologies dominant today that were not included, or at least not prevalent, in the objectives as stated three years ago.
Are A+ exams 220-902 and 220-1002 “Software” exams?
A semantic survival from the A+ certification’s past is still around in some well-informed circles. When the A+ certification program was first launched in the early 1990s (and yes, we were there…) it was split into two exams and they were not known by a number. There was no need to refer to a number as these were the very first exams and so the only ones around. However, they were known as and referred to as the A+ Hardware and A+ Software exam. The A+ Hardware was all PCs, Macs. and printers, no devices yet (this was 1992). The Software exam was Windows and Apple. By including Apple, it ensured a vendor-neutral imprint on the exam. In any case, if you take a look at the exam objectives of today’s A+ 220-901 vs 220-902, you can clearly see that that division is still alive and well:
More Info: a+ certification near me
As an entry-level certification, A+ is rather a wider than a deep credential. It is to some extent stating the obvious to say that the Exam Objectives for A+ 220-1002 will aim at reflecting technologies dominant today that were not included, or at least not prevalent, in the objectives as stated three years ago.
Are A+ exams 220-902 and 220-1002 “Software” exams?
A semantic survival from the A+ certification’s past is still around in some well-informed circles. When the A+ certification program was first launched in the early 1990s (and yes, we were there…) it was split into two exams and they were not known by a number. There was no need to refer to a number as these were the very first exams and so the only ones around. However, they were known as and referred to as the A+ Hardware and A+ Software exam. The A+ Hardware was all PCs, Macs. and printers, no devices yet (this was 1992). The Software exam was Windows and Apple. By including Apple, it ensured a vendor-neutral imprint on the exam. In any case, if you take a look at the exam objectives of today’s A+ 220-901 vs 220-902, you can clearly see that that division is still alive and well:
More Info: a+ certification near me
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